One of the greatest threats to democracy is the idea that it is unassailable.

At a time of potential danger to American demo­c­ra­t­ic norms and insti­tu­tions, it is more urgent than ever for scholars to highlight the risks to our system of gov­ern­ment. In this spirit, Bright Line Watch brings together a group of political sci­en­tists to monitor demo­c­ra­t­ic practices, their resilience, and potential threats.

Featured report

America Confronts the State of Its Politics in 2024

In a few weeks, millions of Americans will go to the polls in what will inevitably be described as the most important election of their lifetimes. Millions have already cast ballots early or by mail in an election that has been marked by landmark events and unex­pect­ed turns. After a dis­as­trous early debate, President Biden reluc­tant­ly withdrew his candidacy and Democrats selected Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s nominee. In addition, Republican nominee Donald Trump survived two separate assas­si­na­tion attempts. Since our last report, both parties held their nom­i­nat­ing con­ven­tions, and pro­ceed­ings in Trump’s legal cases continued, though their pace has slowed and they have largely receded from the headlines. With the campaigns taking center stage, so too have false or inflam­ma­to­ry claims by and about the can­di­dates as well as broader concerns about public con­fi­dence in the integrity of American elections and the prospect of another effort to overturn their result.

In this fraught envi­ron­ment, we fielded parallel surveys of 549 political sci­en­tists and a rep­re­sen­ta­tive sample of 2750 Americans from September 25–October 8, 2024.1

October 2024

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Bright Line Watch in the media

Where Trump Goes, Violence Follows
by Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg, 10/17/2024

How House Republicans and Fox teed up a major threat to democracy
by Philip Bump at The Washington Post, 7/11/2024

The Supreme Court gets the stakes of pres­i­den­tial immunity backward by Philip Bump at The Washington Post, 7/01/2024

Why Voters Are Worried About Democracy, In Their Own Words by FiveThirtyEight Politics, 5/16/2024






Trump says some migrants are ‘not people’ and warns of a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses
by NPR, 3/17/2024

Trump’s Threat to Democracy Is Now Systemic
by Ronald Brownstein at The Atlantic, 8/02/2023

Trump indict­ment over 2020 election is shocking, but may come without political con­se­quences
by David Schribman at The Globe and Mail, 8/02/2023

Public Opinion About Trump’s Criminality Is Shifting—a Bit by John Cassidy at The New Yorker, 7/31/2023


Bright Line Watch is grateful for funding from these organizations

William & Flora Hewlett Foundation