Media coverage

Fear-mongering’ or emergency? As Trump flexes executive power, here’s what to know about con­sti­tu­tion­al crises. (The Boston Globe 2/27/2025)
What political sci­en­tists see as worrisome, Republicans see as welcome (The Washington Post 2/26/2025)
A Constitutional Crisis? (The New York Times 2/10/2025)
Political science has a pessimism problem (Futurity 1/3/2025)
Trump still under­min­ing con­fi­dence in elections despite 2024 win (MSNBC 1/2/2025)
Dartmouth researcher tracks how Trump voters regained trust in elections (WCAX TV 12/19/2024)
After Trump’s Victory, Republicans Trust the Election System Again (The New York Times 12/17/2024)
Why Do So Many Americans Believe Fake News? (Bloomberg 10/26/2024)
‘Same playbook’: Voting false­hoods mire US election (Agence France-Presse 10/23/2024)
Opinion | America Is Playing With Fire (The New York Times 10/23/2024)
Republicans and Democrats Believe Their Candidate Will Win—By a Lot (Mother Jones 10/17/2024)
Trump Voters Have High Expectations for Political Violence, Survey Finds (Bloomberg 10/17/2024)
Why it’s so hard to measure support for political violence (FiveThirtyEight 7/17/2024)
How House Republicans and Fox teed up a major threat to democracy (The Washington Post 7/11/2024)
Has the Supreme Court Just Set the Stage for More Political Violence?  (Mother Jones 7/03/2024)
The Supreme Court gets the stakes of pres­i­den­tial immunity backward  (The Washington Post 7/01/2024)
Why Voters Are Worried About Democracy, In Their Own Words  (FiveThirtyEight’s Politics podcast 5/16/2024)
Trump says some migrants are ‘not people’ and warns of a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses (NPR’s All Things Considered podcast 3/17/2024)
What Abortion Rights Have to Do With Voting Rights (The New Republic 3/14/2024)
Is Democracy More Resilient Than We Think? (The Good Fight podcast 8/05/2023)
Trump indict­ment over 2020 election is shocking, but may come without political con­se­quences (The Globe and Mail 8/02/2023)
Trump’s Threat to Democracy Is Now Systemic (The Atlantic 8/02/2023)
Even Trump’s indict­ments haven’t shattered the deadlock between the parties. Here’s why (CNN 8/01/2023)
Public Opinion About Trump’s Criminality Is Shifting—a Bit (The New Yorker 7/31/2023)
Co-director Brendan Nyhan on The Gist podcast (7/27/2023)
This May Be the Strongest Legal Case Against Trump (Slate 7/27/2023)
New Poll: Some Republican Voters Might Actually Care About Trump’s (Alleged) Crimes (The Bulwark 7/26/2023)
Neutralizing Trump’s Big Lies (Project Syndicate 6/27/2023)
A national divorce would solve nothing (The Boston Globe 3/03/2023)
U.S. secession is a great idea — for Russia (The Hill 2/22/2023)
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for a ‘national divorce’ between liberal and con­ser­v­a­tive states (NBC News 2/20/2023)
Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniver­sary by warning the Big Lie remains (Politico 1/06/2023)
How 2022 Was A Win For Democracy (FiveThirtyEight 12/29/2022)
Election Fraud, Cocaine, or a Ginger Mint? (The Gist 12/23/2022)
Has the Jan. 6 committee inves­ti­ga­tion changed American politics? (ABC News 12/19/2022)
American Democracy Proves Resilient (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 12/18/2022)
Truth Is Reasserting Itself Over Trump’s Lies (Bloomberg 12/18/2022)
Liars lose and deniers are denied. In the midterms, democracy comes out ahead (Los Angeles Times 11/22/2022)
An Important Victory for U.S. Democracy—and a Warning (The New Yorker 11/11/2022)
Republicans who ques­tioned the 2020 results are bringing back an old norm: Admitting defeat (NBC News 11/10/2022)
Only Republicans Can Rescue American Democracy (Bloomberg 11/07/2022)
How Political Violence Went Mainstream on the Right (Politico 11/07/2022)
New Hampshire offers unique solution to election skep­ti­cism with committee on voter con­fi­dence (Concord Monitor 11/07/2022)
Assessing the state of U.S. democracy after Biden warns it is imperiled (NPR’s Here and Now 11/03/2022)
Doubts over integrity of American politics remain in run-up to midterm contests (The Globe and Mail 10/31/2022)
GOP candidate for Nevada elections chief pushes false claim that Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff weren’t legit­i­mate­ly elected (CNN 10/23/2022)
The November Races That Will Determine If The 2024 Election Is Fair (Huffington Post 10/23/2022)
Most Republican can­di­dates endorse the ‘big lie’ — even when voters don’t (Washington Post (Monkey Cage) 10/12/2022)
State committee hears expert testimony on what drives voter mistrust (New Hampshire Public Radio 9/7/2022)
Biden Set to Address ‘Battle for the Soul of the Nation’ (Voice of America 8/31/2022)
Can the Jan. 6 hearings wake Americans up to the threat to their democracy? (The Globe and Mail 7/21/2022)
America’s Self-Obsession Is Killing Its Democracy (The Atlantic 7/21/2022)
Andrew Bjelland: Secession is now thinkable, even in the Intermountain West (The Salt Lake Tribune 6/20/2022)
Democracy is on the brink of disaster. For voters, it’s politics as usual (The Washington Post 1/7/2022)
A Year After Jan. 6, Millions of Americans Support Violence (The New York Times 1/5/2022)
Why Jan. 6th Was Not A Turning Point (FiveThirtyEight Politics 1/4/2022)
Don’t Despair About U.S. Democracy. Fix It. (The Washington Post 12/23/2021)
‘We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,’ new study says (The Washington Post 12/17/2021)
U.S. Democracy Faces Real Threats (Bloomberg 12/17/2021)
Republicans’ belief in Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ holds steady as con­fi­dence in U.S. elections dips (Los Angeles Times 12/16/2021)
The Races That Could Prevent The Hijacking Of The 2024 Election (HuffPost 12/16/2021)
1 in 6 committed Republicans would support a violent pro-Trump coup (Substack 12/16/2021)
A new survey provides little comfort about democracy’s future (The Washington Post 12/16/2021)
Is There a Smoking Gun in the January 6th Investigation? (The New Yorker 12/15/2021)
How seriously should we take talk of US state secession? (Brookings 12/13/2021)
News Analysis: Biden convenes ‘democracy summit’ as America’s system grows imperiled (Los Angeles Times 12/09/2021)
What the democracy watchers worry about (Axios 11/20/2021)
When Bipartisanship Risks Undermining Democracy (The Atlantic 11/18/2021)
Steve Chapman: Fractured nation fuels talk of divorce (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 10/19/2021)
Loser’s Consent and the Future of Democracy (The New York Times | The Interpreter Newsletter 10/15/2021)
Way Too Many People Want an All-Powerful President (Reason 10/8/2021)
Two in three Republicans in the South support SECEDING from the US while almost half of Democrats out West say the same, survey finds (The Daily Mail 7/15/2021)
47% of West Coast Dems, 66% of Southern Republicans Want to Secede From U.S. (Newsweek 7/14/2021)
Boston Public Radio (Boston Public Radio 5/12/2021)
Advantage, GOP (FiveThirtyEight 4/29/2021)
Why Political Sectarianism Is a Growing Threat to American Democracy (The New York Times 4/19/2021)
Democracy reform should guide voting proposals (Pensacola News Journal 3/13/2021)
Connections: Discussing the decline of democracy across the globe (WXXI News 3/10/2021)
Pro-Trump Republican secession rhetoric in Texas and elsewhere is more than a punchline (NBC News 2/28/2021)
Democrats Are More United Today Than The Last Time They Passed Major Legislation (FiveThirtyEight 2/22/2021)
Opinion: Why Democrats aren’t fraidy cats anymore (The Washington Post 2/17/2021)
How Long Can Democracy Survive QAnon and Its Allies? (The New York Times 2/10/2021)
What you need to know about how many Americans condone political violence — and why (The Washington Post 1/11/2021)
Trump Helped Take Extremist Views From The Fringes Of Society To A Mob Attacking The Capitol (FiveThirtyEight 1/8/2021)
How Much Did Trump Undermine U.S. Democracy? (Niskanen Center 12/30/2020)
GOP efforts to overturn election may do lasting harm to democracy, political sci­en­tists warn (The Washington Post 12/14/2020)
What’s Next for Trump Voters Who Believe the Election Was Stolen? (The New York Times 12/14/2020)
A Kraken is loose in America (The Washington Post 12/11/2020)
Just how broken is our political infor­ma­tion ecosystem, anyway? (Nieman Lab 11/30/2020)
The big lie from Donald Trump (The Hill 12/3/2020)
Just how broken is our political infor­ma­tion ecosystem, anyway? (Nieman Lab 11/30/2020)
Most Republicans Say They Doubt the Election. How Many Really Mean It? (The Upshot, 11/30/2020)
The Long-Term Damage of Trump’s Antidemocratic Lies (The New Yorker, 11/13/2020)
Is American tolerance for political violence on the rise? (The New Yorker, 10/29/2020)
How Do We Fix American Democracy? (Rolling Stone, 10/16/2020)
How COVID-19’s Misinformation Storm May Impact the Election (Johns Hopkins, 10/13/2020)
Don’t be misled by Trump’s brazen election sabotage (Seattle Times, 9/29/2020)
Supreme Court brinkman­ship, ‘anarchist’ cities are latest stops on road to autocracy (The Washington Post, 9/25/2020)
The United States is back­slid­ing into autocracy under Trump, scholars warn (The Washington Post, 9/18/2020)
Can democracy survive the rise of mis­in­for­ma­tion? (News Literacy Project, 9/16/2020)
How will Americans respond when there’s another split between the electoral college and the popular vote? (The Washington Post, 9/8/2020)
The President Versus The Post Office (WBUR, 8/25/2020)
Americans losing faith in elections as Trump dis­cred­its voting systems (Los Angeles Times, 6/1/2020)
Trump’s Weakness is Bad for Democracy (Bloomberg Opinion, 5/21/2020)
The resilien­cy of American democracy (Washington Post, 02/04/20)
American democracy is screwed (The Crosstab by G. Elliott Morris, 02/01/20)
Are Trump’s rallies harming Republicans? (Bloomberg Opinion, 11/18/19)
Will the fil­i­buster kill Democrats’ dreams? (Bloomberg Opinion, 11/14/19)
Trump Impeachment Hearings, Day 1: Live Analysis (FiveThirtyEight, 11/13/19)
Trump Changed U.S. Politics. Now He’s Changing Political Science (Bloomberg Politics, 09/07/19)
Fresh Signs Trump Might Not Accept Defeat in 2020 (New York, 04/03/19)
Trump sup­port­ers and opponents are increas­ing­ly divided on whether con­sti­tu­tion­al prin­ci­ples are under threat (The Washington Post, 03/12/19)
A New Study Finds Americans Support Politicians Who Respect The Courts (Pacific Standard, 01/08/19)
When voters choose can­di­dates, politics beats policy whether con­sti­tu­tion­al prin­ci­ples are under threat (Futurity, 01/07/19)
A Survey Finds That All Americans Favor Democratic Norms Over Politics—Except in the Case of Voting (The New Yorker, 12/26/18)
The Trump admin­is­tra­tion: What’s normal, what’s not and what matters. (The Washington Post, 08/02/18)
The Conversations We Need to Have. (Slate, 05/23/18)
Democracy’s resilience: Is America’s democracy threat­ened? (C‑SPAN, 05/01/18)
The threat of impeach­ment can push pres­i­dents out the door. But there’s a catch. (Washington Post, 04/11/18)
A sig­nif­i­cant minority of Americans say they could support a military takeover of the U.S. gov­ern­ment (Washington Post, 02/16/18)
Trump’s Tool Kit Does Not Include the Constitution (The New York Times, 02/08/18)
Trump is Unraveling the Foundational Stitchings of American Scholarship (Pacific Standard, 02/06/18)
About That Trump ‘Autocracy’ (Wall Street Journal, 01/02/18)
Democracy and Facts in the Age of Trump
(New Yorker, 12/29/17)
Has the Trump admin­is­tra­tion crossed the “bright lines” of democracy? (Vox, 10/23/17)
Democracy Can Plant the Seeds of Its Own Destruction (New York Times, 10/19/17)
20 of America’s top political sci­en­tists gathered to discuss our democracy. They’re scared. (Vox, 10/13/17)
4 political sci­en­tists are tracking whether Trump is damaging American democracy (Vox, 10/5/17)
Yes, U.S. election integrity could be improved. Here’s why the Pence com­mis­sion probably won’t do it.  (Washington Post, 9/18/17)
Norms Matter.  (Politico, September/October 2017)
The U.S. could be free of ger­ry­man­der­ing. Here’s how other countries do redis­trict­ing.  (Washington Post, 8/7/17)
How would removing Trump from office affect U.S. democracy?  (Washington Post, 5/26/17)
Checking Democracy’s Pulse  (New York Times, 5/25/17)
The Rule of Law and Why It Matters  (Facing History and Ourselves, 5/19/17)
How Venezuela Stumbled to the Brink of Collapse  (New York Times, 5/14/17)
How Worried Should I Be?  (New York Times, 5/12/17)
America Isn’t Having a Constitutional Crisis (Atlantic, 5/11/17)
Could Trump set off a con­sti­tu­tion­al crisis? Here’s what we can learn from Latin America.  (Washington Post, 4/25/17)
How healthy is American democracy?  (, 3/9/17)
A check-up for U.S. democracy  (Boston Globe, 3/8/17)
Survey: Fraud-free elections, free speech, key to democracy  (Associated Press, 2/25/17)
How you’ll know when the U.S. isn’t a democracy anymore  (Washington Post, 2/24/17)
Democracy in America: How Is It Doing?  (New York Times, 2/23/17)